Really Attack Yemen Reasons To Seize Ark of the Covenant

Then we saw in recent months, news about the attack on Yemen continues to heat up. Yemen, one of the poorest countries in the Arabian peninsula though in the history of the oil-rich Arab region, but Yemen appears too far to the south so no luck getting a part of this natural resource. People Yemen remains largely derived from the native tribes for centuries, so there remains the story of the past that may be raised for the last time.

In 2001, someone once found strong evidence of the existence of the Ark of the Covenant was buried disebuah old site called Marib. Gary Vey is not an archaeologist, he is a computer graduate who works in the Northeast US electricity network. When he was asked to help uncover Petroglyphs are carved in stone in the town of Colorado, LaJunta. According to the instructions, engraved languages ​​including ancient language that he needs an expert translator.

Ark of the successor agreement Buried In Yemen?

Petroglyphs originally painted with aluminum powder before in the photograph, then the result of editing Photoshop color powder on the surface of the stone was increasingly bright and legible. These rocks originally covered with a black patina, a mineral that forms over the centuries. The petroglyphs depict symbols such as alphabet repeatedly, until one year has not translated this symbol, an article that allegedly also from the desert Negev, Israel. 

Dr. James Harris frequently visited the Middle East, he is interested in a collapsed mine contains the same inscription dating from 1500 BC. Interestingly, writing and language tells refernsi Colorado Cannan and Yawyeh, how could this ancient language can get to Colorado for thousands of years?

Prior to 1948, a very large Jewish population living and growing in Yemen where the region are Temple and Jewish neighborhoods are next to the mosque. Children and adults of both religions and traditions to enjoy friendship and trade. In 1948 the state of Israel was formed in the land that was occupied for thousands of years by the Palestinians. The Jews wanted to return to their homeland and most Jews left in Yemen, most people of Yemen and the economies struggle to adjust sudden change, at which time the famous Yemeni silver jewelry produced by Jewish craftsmen.

In Yemen can be found examples of Jewish Stars countless incorporated in the architecture of stone buildings and tombs, a proof when there is no religious conflict. But that all changed when the new state of Israel to war against the Palestinians, burn, leveling of agricultural and plantation and continue hostile neighboring countries. Gradually, like most countries in the world today, they grow intolerant and hostile.

Ancient architecture in Yemen owes much to the Jewish population of the past, famous Sana'a city is unique in its design and appearance, the surrounding villages associated with the discovery of stone and artifact containing ancient language. The people are friendly and have family and tribal ties are very strong, far exceeding the loyalty to the state. Even in the northern area near the archaeological site of the Queen of Sheba (Saba Queen) in Marib, national governments largely insignificant. Most countries outside the mountain region, small villages were built during the Crusaders on steep grades and resembles a castle. Usually consists of only one entrance which can be easily defended from attack and nearly all made of stone.

Marib Yemen, the ark of the covenant

In history, Esimiphaios recorded as a local Christian leader who is mentioned in an inscription celebrating the burning of the palace of ancient Saba in Marib to build a church on its ruins. Three new churches built in Najran alone, and many tribes do not recognize the authority of Esimiphaios. Esimiphaios 531 years later displaced by a soldier named Abraha, who refused to leave Yemen and declared himself an independent king Himyar. Then the Emperor Justinian I sent messengers to Yemen who want to officially Christian Himyarites use their influence on the tribes of Arabia section to launch military operations against the Persians. 

Justinian I was given the dignity of a king in Arab sheikhs and Ghassan Kindah in central and northern Arabia. Since the beginning, the Roman and Byzantine policy to develop a close relationship with the power of the Red Sea coast. They managed to convert Aksum and affect their culture. But the results pertaining to Yemen turned out somewhat disappointing. A prince Kendite then called Yazid bin Kabshat rebelled against Abraha and its Arab Christian allies. 

A ceasefire agreement was reached after breaking the Great Dam of Marib, Abraha died around AD 555-565, but there is no reliable source of his death. Sasanid empire annexed Aden circa 570. Under this rule, the majority of Yemen enjoyed great autonomy except the region of Aden and Sana'a. This era marks the collapse of the ancient civilization of South Arabia as most of the country was under some independent clans until the arrival of Islam in the year 630 AD

Location manuscript Ark of the Covenant in Yemen

The next few years are also found the same writing on an archaeological site Queen of Sheba in Yemen were discovered by the University of Calgary, according to the study of the Queen of Sheba was buried in the desert for 3000 years. In this case, there is a prophecy that will be realized related to the war in Yemen, which has been predicted thousands of years before all this happened.

Text Colorado

Text Cylinders Yemen

These languages ​​allegedly engraved around the courtyard of the palace of Queen of Sheba. Once translated, some sentences (containing dots) disappears because of damaged and broken, the contents of which successfully translated article reads:

... Because the child realizes the essence of which was in him ...
And when happiness poisoned by the message of God, the anger came out when she was told the location of a large box EL. And when happiness was poisoned by the beauty of the Lord, he does swear to protect the box of EL, and is associated with the Spirit of the Lord. And gloom lifted. He built the room for the beauty of God and cover it. He was in the room of God to pray and gain understanding, and to protect ...
... mother listened through a hole in her room to see if he left the covenant with God ... because the mother sadly gather around the chamber wall without mortar so that he could save the child ... He saw the child through a crack and see it lit up and heard thunder and fear in children ... The children gain knowledge of the future, shook and trembled gain knowledge of the unknown ... To save his son because of the silence and because vibration has been moved from the slit and sadness ...
Changed from silent to assess whether the child predicted, a loving mother roar dubious agreement with God ... Excitement ... happy blinded because of the box and step-brother of the boy's increasing misery and painful ... City circular to protect poor children and mothers then slowly around the base of the room ... To keep up, poor maternal obscure storage boxes and also fear that the sea will rise ... So proud mother's love for her child only, made to protect the space box when the earth may be shaking ...
... children also do not see the optimal time to fill someone drinks because of the power of the unknown in the world's future and their offspring will remain sealed ... We pray that land (human ) will be purified but not (create) harvest (human) prematurely as God will burn the evil nation of the sky, but let the children power over wheat (creature) and does not rise to friendly countries here ... including crushing and let child predicts a mature leader and son have seeds will rejoice to the era of 'box EL' ...
... the child's mother was proud nation loves fresh but respectful of the growing residential and tabulates the dangers of salt water ... and children but does not bind much God but unite people in prayer on the mound and woe to let friends of children who rejoice and love because love high ... eventually become a real hiding place but want to be recognized that caused the Lord abstain, but why the tears in jail? The mother made ​​the construction of the Lord becomes smooth and praise the Creator ... children ... and the nation's leaders foresee indeed respect this child! "

At that time, Gary Vey send a copy of the translation to the office of President Saleh in Yemen, and received an invitation to come to the archaeological site. In translation, this text tells the story of the Queen of Sheba's son who sacrificed himself buried with the Ark of the Covenant, which was drawn up in the language and history tersyirat as follows:

Menelek is the only child of the Queen of Saba, the Queen of Sheba and Solomon (Sulaiman), feeling depressed when he learned that his father's kingdom had been dropped and the Temple in Jerusalem was issued. His grief was profound and his mother worried. Shortly after the invasion of Jerusalem, Menelek received the news that the Ark of the Covenant (box EL) which had previously been in the Temple of Solomon should be moved.

This text actually refers to the oath taken Menelek to protect the Ark, apparently ring given to Menelek when he visited Solomon. Menelek also receive a warning from Nathan (her half sister) that the Ark could be harmful to health, has cause vision problems and 'sense of trembling' when Nathan tried to interact. Menelik took the Ark but no signs like this, then he is excited to interact (communicate) through the box El. In the end, he built a special basement where he kept the Ark and tried to communicate with God.

A very real danger of enemy attack for the kingdom of Saba, Menelek announced that God had ordered him to enter the basement along with the Ark. The whole construction is covered with sand to hide from enemy forces, Menelik told her mother (the Queen of Saba), that he will remain buried with the Ark of the Covenant in a very long period of time, until the nations reconciled.

In the following instructions only son and successor to the kingdom of Solomon, his mother memakamnya together Menelik Ark of the Covenant. But his mother had a smaller room that was built adjacent to the Ark with a secret hole, so that he can monitor the condition of the child. Secretly planning to open space and rescue children who are in danger, and one of the chamber walls built without mortar.

He mentioned that his son received a revelation future of the Ark of the Covenant that sounded like thunder. When he saw Menelek interact with the Ark, he was shaking and vibrating. Roar and his movement stopped, after opening the secret hole, the Queen of Saba saw the worms crawl out. This suggests that there may Menelek have died. The Queen is determined to open up space and save his son but he remembers his faith and remember his words, that he asked to be buried in a very long period of time. Queen of Saba in tears, his vision of the future, including the revelation that had doubted his word, he prayed for forgiveness for his hesitation.

To respect the wishes of her son, the Queen of Saba make room reinforced with stone and mortar. He consulted with builders and masons to design a fort that would protect the buried chamber from future earthquakes, floods, salt, and other natural disasters. The room is made more sturdy and large dams are built around the buried chamber to protect from water and flooding. This oval dam is written in the old language.

Note evidence Ark In Yemen Museum

In the museum there are other stone Yemen determine the conditions before any attempt to unlock the hidden room. Including statements occupation by the Jews and warning that the Ark of the Covenant should not be moved and should not be used for national or personal interests. Ark that will be used for the benefit of all mankind and a special request to God that must be made ​​with a funeral prayer with the Ark and Menelek location.

After the burial chamber and the surrounding temples, royal Queen of Saba dimmed and moved to Ethiopia with a ban that the area where the Ark and Menelik buried should be forgotten, so that hostile countries in the future and (followers) 'Blind Prophet' to look.

In fact, the room was never excavated buried. In the summer of 2001, the University of Calgary scan radar to penetrate the soil and layout of the room. But then on 11 September 2001 has changed politics forever Yemen even all Arab countries. Over time, the sand back over the site and under the control of the tribe.

Several Italian tourists trying to visit the site, they were killed by an improvised explosion. This message signaled to everyone that the site was banned, the area subject to the separatist movement in Yemen with local tribes who returned to Yemen, tribal influence they still upheld.

So, who needs Ark of the Covenant? Jewish Temple was built with a special room that is supposed to contain the Ark of the Covenant. Ark thought to be connected directly to God, without the Ark of the Covenant, the shrine is just a building. Ark is necessary for the future development of the Third Temple, a building that is connected with the belief that the Messiah will return to earth to rule all the people and the temple will be built disitus past, a location which today stands a very important Mosque for Muslims.

Third Temple is a must and is closely related to the Jewish end-time prophecy. So, is it still considers the Ark has been found? At all yet, if the Jews found the Ark buried in Yemen, they are very understanding of the building which is to be leveled first. Then the world war that sparked three religions will be originated from Yemen.


Ruins of the Great Dam of Marib, image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

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