Thomas A. Edison Facts

Many objects are created or made better by Thomas Edison. In the 84 years of his life, Edison patented 1,093 inventions work, including the incandescent light bulb, phonograph, electric systems, motion picture camera, telegraph, telephone, X-ray and others - others.
Most people would think the incandescent light bulb when the offending name Edison. But did you know that in fact he did not create? Do you know about his idea to use cement to build houses, furniture, refrigerators and even a piano? Or even his role in the execution of wild elephants by electrocution?
To commemorate the birthday anniversary (11 February 1847), Neatorama share 10 amazing facts about Thomas Edison:

1. Figuring teacher Edison "bean"

Edison is a child with a sense of curiosity is high. But he is a student who is not good because his mind daydreaming. 7 brothers youngest child, is considered "pinhead" by a school teacher. When her mother knew, he was very angry and pulled him out of school. At that time, the new Edison school for 3 months. After that, the mother Edison himself who taught him at home. Edison tells "My mother was the one who membentukku. He was so loyal, have confidence in myself, and I felt I had someone to fight for in life, a person must not disappoint. "

2. Edison Building His First Lab At Age 10 Years
By the time Edison moved 9 years old, his mother gives scientific books to her elementary school level. The book is about how to do chemistry experiments at home. Edison hooked: he did some experiments from the book and spend the money to buy the materials - chemicals.
At the age of 10 years, Edison built his first lab in the basement of his house. Usually her father would "bribe" with little money to Edison left the basement and go read a book. Edison of course complied, but he also used the money "mouthful" of his father to buy the materials - chemicals for experiments. And to ensure that no oarng that take valuable chemicals, he gave the label marked "poison" on all bottles.

3. Edison Can not Hear and He Loved
At the age of 12 years, Edison began to lose his hearing. Some say that there was a train conductor who hit his ears when he lit the flame at the time was experimenting in the boxcar. According to Edison, he was injured when the conductor is pulled into a moving train by pulling his ears.
There are also those who say that the cause of hearing loss is due to a fever that he got as a child. But it is also very possible that he is deaf because of genetic factors, father and one brother Edison also deaf.
But one thing is certain; Edison liked keadaanya (technically he is not deaf, but hard to hear). He said that the situation was made more able to concentrate on his experiments.
And one more thing: Edison does have a lab in a railway carriage which eventually burn! Edison who was then aged 12 years and then worked with selling newspapers and candy. He made the lab for chemistry experiments and printing in the trunk of the car, where he published the Grand Trunk Herald, the first newspaper published on the train.

4. The Edison Rescuing A Boy
At the age of 14 years, Edison saved Jimmie MacKenzie 3-year-old from the railroad car that was speeding fast. Jimmie's father, station agent JU MacKenzie named so grateful that he taught Edison how to use the telegraph machine.
After that Edison became a telegraph operator for Western Union. He asked to work the night shift so he still has time to do experiments. One day he accidentally spilled sulfuric acid while doing experiments with batteries. The acid liquid penetrates the wood floor and got his boss table downstairs. The next morning, Edison was fired.

5. First Patent Edison is a Failure
In 1869, Edison at the age of 22, getting his first patent for a machine voice recorder telegraphic (telegraphic vote-recording machine) to the legislature. Each member of the legislature will move a button on a machine that Edison will then record the bill - legislation they choose.
At the time business partner brought the invention to Washington, the chairman of the committee were not impressed with the speed of the tool do the recording saying "if there is the discovery that we do not want on this earth, it is this discovery." The slow pace of the workings of a tool that makes other legislative members can thwart the bill - the law or convince other members to change her vote.
Since that time Edison decided he was just going to create inventions that can be sold.

6. Apply Edison Wife With Morse Code
At Christmas 1871, at the age of 24, Edison married employees, Mary Stilwell (16 years) after 2 months of acquaintance. In February Edison would upset his wife's inability to create anything. He later wrote on his diary "my beloved wife Mary Edison is not able to create anything of value!" Mary gave birth to 3 children, Edison provides call "Dot" and "Dash" for the first and second child (possibly taken from Morse code).
Two years after Mary died, Edison married Mina Miller who was then aged 20 years. Meeting very interesting story: after the death of Mary, Edison often go to Boston and stayed at a friend's home, Mr. and Mrs. Gilliards. Family Gilliards trying to introduce Edison to some girls. But with the appearance of half-deaf, eyes bulging, breath odor and ketombean who always brought her face close to her - the girl so she could hear his voice clearly, the whole girl running scared!
A family day Gilliards introduced to Mina Miller Edison. Edison fell in love:
Edison invented "his paradise" in Fort Myers, then finally decided that he had to do three things: build a winter home in Florida, married Mina, and took him to the paradise it.
Returning to New York, Edison is usually workaholic obsessed with her new love. Later he wrote in his diary: "I saw someone who looked like with Mina. Then the thought of Mina and almost hit by a car. If Mina keeps bothering me, I had to take out accident insurance. "(Source: Anatomy of Some Celebrated Marriages by D. Wallechinsky and I. Wallace, The People's Almanac)
Edison taught Mina Morse code so they can communicate confidentially with a tap code in their hands. One day Edison asked .- - ..- .- .. - .. -.- - ..- - .- .-. .-. -.- -.
and Mina answered -.-. ...

7. Edison Has Mysterious Tattoo On Her arms

According to the 1911 policy regarding life insurance company in New York, Edison had five dots tattooed on his right arm. No one knows what the tattoos mean.
Interestingly enough, Edison was awarded for the discovery of the first tattoo machine. In 1876, he patented the stencil-Pens, an instrument which was later modified by Samuel O 'Reilly to be the first tattoo machine.

8. Edison Invention The Killing

After Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered X-rays in 1895, Edison directed his employees, a man named Clarence Dally to develop a fluoroscope. The tool is a success that eventually are used in hospitals today.
When the X-ray is not known to be dangerous and Clarence has a habit to perform tests on his hands. In 1900, he had a wound that can not be cured, so that his hand had to be amputated. Clarence condition worsened after both his hands amputated, and eventually he died of cancer.

9. Edison Invention: Concrete Houses
 Edison Invention: Concrete Houses

In 1887, he started the project that later became a huge failure. He proposed an idea to filter out low-quality iron metal which just ridiculed as the "stupidity Edison." Edison stubborn then invested his own money to build a factory and village to do this, but a few years later he realized that mine the ore Iron can be done with a much smaller cost. So, with all the heavy equipment left over from his failure, Edison decided to enter the cement business. He found that he could form cement into various shapes and found he could build a house with cement poured into a giant form. Not only the house, but "everything from bathtubs, windows, stairs, frames of paintings to the supporting pillars can be made with cement."

10. electric shocks to elephants
At the end of 1880, Edison engage in "War of electric current" with George Westinghouse and Nikola Tesla. Edison promote the use of Direct Current (DC) for the distribution of electricity, in which Westinghouse and Tesla using alternating current (AC).

In 1903, a circus elephant named Topsy rampage and killed three people, including his coach. The elephant is regarded as a threat and want the elephant killed its owner. When the animal defenders protested the hanging method, Edison advised to shock.

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