Black Hole before death

How the ancient people aware of the existence of black holes in the centers of galaxies, or from the wormhole that connects black holes into a different world is still a mystery. Do they think all this through cosmic journey in meditation or in a state of high awareness level? Or may be contained in the story of extraterrestrial contact that is mentioned in countless legends around the world? Whatever be the method, the correlation between ancient beliefs and modern scientific understanding of space is remarkable.
black hole (image NASA)

And not coincidentally, the current scientific thinking about the black hole and wormhole travel is very similar to the concept of cosmic Maya, dark road that leads to lagit slit in the center of the galaxy towards a mysterious realm. Although the possibility of traveling through a black hole is still debated, but in accordance with the ancient tradition of America said that it was not a spaceship through a hole in the sky. But the soul of the dead is through this path to the next world, the spirit that is now becoming something that is not yet understood by modern science and its effect on the stability of the entrance of a black hole can not be ascertained. Native American culture already know that the core of the galaxy has a black hole where the souls of the dead was appointed to a different dimension. 

History of mythology at least explain the reference of the Milky Way galaxy, of which explains how the Milky Way looks like a luminous ribbon curved milky white night sky, and even parts of other more mysterious. This response suggests about the presence of the soul or spirit journey in the galaxy, bringing the human soul journey deceased to the mystical realm. Many ancient cultures believed like this, but the truth of mythology it is still a mystery.

The mystery of black holes, Spirit Tracks Into Other Worlds

In the book Star Gods of the Maya: Astronomy in Art, Folklore, and Calendars, by Susan Milbrath of the University of Florida a few of the Mayans adapted the folklore of the Milky Way. They define the Milky Way as a way of righteousness to God truth is Hachakyum, the ruler of the sky where the Lacandon Maya will go there when they die. In contrast to the Yucatec Maya who called the Milky Way as the path of truth (Sak Be) as the old-fashioned way. While Chorti call the Milky Way as Way Santiago toward the god of Thunder and lightning, whole tribes have argued that the Milky Way is the passage of time, the truth is traversed by the Gods.

Another belief associated with the Milky Way is the path taken by the spirit of a deceased person, star of countless represents the soul of a dead person. In Peru, as well as the islands of Polynesia, the Milky Way called the Way of Life, while the rate among American Indians called the Milky Way as traces of the spirit, traces of the camp of death or the way to another world. According to the Apache Indians of the American West, the souls of the dead would be through the Way of the Spirit for four days before they reach a peaceful place, where there is no more sickness and death. 

Lakota Indian tribe who lived on the Great Plains of North America believed that spirits trip to another world will meet an old woman who will examine the spirit body to look for signs. Only the spirit that has the correct sign will be allowed to enter into the world of peace, in which there are shelters where their ancestors spoke softly, buffalo buffalo roam and all are available in abundance. Pueblo Indian tribes, South Western States share the belief that all the spirits of the deceased will go to the spirit world through an entrance. The spirit world is not just a place where all the people come back and hang out, but it became a place for all kinds of plants that give life in every season and also maintain life.
Is this ancient folklore hints at a cosmic path that is not known in the Milky Way to the lives of others? Is another world is a different galaxy or star system is still in the Milky Way galaxy? Could an ancient myth just imagination, or imply the advancement of knowledge about the Milky Way?

Quiche Maya tribes in the Guatemalan highlands have a specific pathway leading to another world, there is a physical reality that underlies their beliefs. This myth refers to the area of ​​the galactic center as the location of Xibalba Be, dark road that leads to the underworld. People who live in the northern hemisphere will be difficult to identify the center of the galaxy with the naked eye, because the Milky Way appears as a big band is very faint glow milky white arched night sky. Center of the galaxy lay low in the southern Earth, along with the northern summer on Earth and when it will be very difficult to see it clearly. 

Earth's southern sky is very dark and light pollution is much lower. Night is much brighter and the Milky Way will be obvious. Even just a small telescope premises, band of light will be visible among the thousands of stars. During the months of winter occurred in the southern hemisphere, the center of galaxies stretching almost above his head and a white ribbon glow visible from horizon northeast towards the southwest. Galactic center is located in the crowded central bulge of stars and its position lies in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius. From this tribe Quiche Maya believed that there was a hole in the sky like a dark path leads down.

The air gap is the center of the universe, the possibility lies crossroads of four roads. According to Roberta and Peter Markmann, the universe through this hole and the gods descend to earth, and death and rose to the underground nature also through the same hole. A the same way for paranormal who wish to fly to the supernatural. The door's bottom is described as a giant mouth watering in some mythical ancient Maya culture. In ancient Mexican culture, the entrance is described as a cave, the gods and the ancestors of humans are born in this cave, and after death they go back into the cave and down to earth another.

The air gap is also considered the gateway to the mystical world, this door may be intended for the gods and the souls of the dead to the trip to hell. And in accordance with the Quiche Maya, a gap space located near the center of the galaxy, constellation leads Sagiatrius. Is this all coincidence, where astronomers also discovered a supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy, exactly as the ancient Mayans believed?

Idea Journey Through Black Holes

In 1998, scientists confirmed the existence of a very large black hole appears and seemingly very clear. This Temua through radio telescope that looks not so broad region near the galactic center of the Milky Way, towards the constellation of Sagittarius. Subsequent research showed that black holes measuring almost 4.3 million times the mass of the sun, the inside is smaller ranges ten times larger than the sun and a little smaller than the orbit of Mercury's distance from the sun, or a diameter of about 46 million kilometers.

Gravitational pull of black holes is so strong, no one can escape if the incoming light into it though, and limit the black hole is called the event horizon. Black holes do not emit light so it's very hard to see, but if the black hole skipped cloud as an intermediary material will be attracted gravity. Sehingg black hole surrounded by a ring would be very hot consisting of hot gas, dust and stars that spin at very high speeds in a spiral toward the event horizon. This ring is called the accretion disc that contains the event horizon at its center, the accretion disc is a prolific source of radiation at all frequencies of radio waves.
Are the Mayans has been aware of the existence of black holes, thousands of years before it was discovered by modern scientists? The use of the term 'giant mouth watering' describes the gap sky, it seems very plausible. Black holes do not appear as dense cosmic hole that draw anything around it. Some of the material into a rotating black hole does not fall, but was brought back at high speed approaching the speed of light. 

What is interesting about black holes is an experiment Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen in 1940. They proposed that there might be a bridge or a road that connects black holes and white holes dibelahan to another universe. White hole is regarded as the opposite of a black hole, it looks like a black hole that swallowed something white hole throws back elsewhere. The bridge that connects black holes and white holes later became known as Einstein Rose bridge, then called wormholes. 

Scientists assume that the spacecraft may be able to enter a black hole through a wormhole and emerge through white holes in other parts of the universe, this trip exceeds the speed of light. In Einstein's theory Rose mentioned that objects larger than electrons capable of passing through the wormhole, the theory was considered unreasonable due to tremendous gravitational pressures inside the black hole would destroy all of them in the most basic particles. Atoms would disintegrate and nuclei will be stretched and elongated, but if the black hole rotates the aisle black hole will remain stable and allows an object to enter it. This theory was proposed in 1962 by the New Zealand mathematician Roy Kerr, spinning black hole with a gate lock stabilized called Kerr black holes.

Currently, all of the black hole rotates very quickly found the range of millions of miles per hour. Kerr Black holes may be the most realistic shape and many holes in the universe. But there are still doubts about how stable the entrance of black holes, and how it is possible to travel through wormholes. Physicists found an object or light would destabilize the wormhole, the hole evaporates before there were passed. In order to pass through the wormhole, required a body made of something special to hold a wormhole to keep it open.

Professor Paulo Salucci, an astro-physics in Trieste Italy stated that mathematically there is the possibility of wormholes are amid the Milky Way, a spiral galaxy such as the Milky Way may also contain a wormhole at its core. Dark matter may supply the fuel to build and maintain a black hole. 

Land Into Heaven hallway Hetep

The ancient Greeks believed that a cave in the earth as a gateway to Hades, the underworld Greece. This assumption is also found in the art of Late Postclassic Mexico where the entrance to the underworld described as a cave. One of the caves which are believed to be larger than the others, but penetrates right through from one side to the other. Homer text also refers to cavities that says '.... far, far away, where lies the deepest abyss of the earth ...' According to Greek legend, the underworld located in Elysian, resting place of the virtuous. It was a land of eternal spring and lush gardens, illuminated stars themselves. Pindar is touted as the ruler of the underworld, which is clean and pure brought to court, the wind from the sea and the entire flow of interest are lit with bright light, shining and some other trees preserved from sea water.

Similar confidence is also seen in ancient Egypt, the underworld led by Osiris, often referred to as Padang Hetep, where the dead can serve Osiris. This is the 'Land of Osiris' and the closest towards the Elysian Egypt. Coffin Texts spell and the Egyptian Book of the Dead describes the Padang Hetep as a fertile, irrigation canals, filled with an abundance of grain and all kinds of fruit trees, where the dead can get any desires, do what they enjoy on earth. In cosmology, the world below is considered lies under the earth or below the western horizon. At first, Osiris is often revered in the basement, built under a mound or Tumuli are achieved through declining path winding. 

The concept of the hereafter like a path in diverse cultures, entrance into the soul into the dark cave along the hallway, and suddenly arrived in the land of paradise. In the context of modern scientific understanding of the universe, that after death, the soul is brought through the black hole at the galactic center towards different areas. Traveling over 26,000 light years to the galactic center and then get into it, very vicious, black holes light up, and then finally arrived at the place of immortality, which certainly requires a lot of courage and fortitude. Our ancestors realized long and dangerous journey, where the soul or spirit must pass after death, which is why they make so many elaborate rituals and ritual is commonly known as a useful transition to ensure safe passage when the soul is heading into another world. 

Every religion has established an elaborate ritual, but probably the most complicated practiced by the ancient Egyptians. In ancient Egypt, the soul is known as the 'Ba' which gives everyone a personality of its own. After death, Ba should begin a dangerous journey, overcome numerous trials, before being able to meet with 'Ka' is the life force that animates Ba. Unity Ba and Ka in the afterlife led to the formation of 'Akh', which is the most complete form of existence that is expected by each of the Egyptians. 

The Egyptians believed that the corpse should be in mummies and preserved in pristine condition, so that Ba can be successfully fused with a Ka in the afterlife. Text burial complex provides maps of the sky, including Padang Hetep and Mansion Osiris, and the directions trajectory that will be addressed. Also filled spells and readings were spoken at the right time, mummies include protective amulets placed on the bandage around the body. Many personal items and objects of everyday life such as pots, tools, and weapons were also placed in tombs, as may be required life during the trip. In the end, after a long journey, the spirits arrived at the hall where Osiris sits on his throne.

Black Holes In Indian mythology

The ancient Indians also have the same understanding, in some parts of the Indian religious poem, the Bhagavad Gita, stated that one can find a clear picture of what is called a black hole sucking the souls of fallen soldiers. Bhagavad Gita was read by Krishna to the warrior Arjuna before the start of the great battle of Mahabharata. To evoke the spirit and eliminate confusion, Krishna fell broadcast assignment and dharma, putting special emphasis on the principle of selfless action. At a certain point (in the philosophical and spiritual discourse) Krishna has been regarded as the creator mortal incarnation of Vishnu, digambarakn in a universal form to Arjuna, Krishna gives Arjuna divine sight to see the cosmic form.
In the Eastern tradition, there is a concept of 'invisible third eye' which is located in the middle of the forehead, between the eyes. The third eye is considered as the gateway to the spirit world and a higher level of consciousness. It is believed that the activation of the third eye produce vision, extrasensory perception, and mental images that have a psychological significance or spiritual depth. 

Traditionally, the third eye activation is achieved through the practice of yoga and meditation practice. But some shamanic cultures of Asia, Africa and America, states of consciousness can be created by consuming psychoactive substances such as Psylocybin, Peyote, Amanita Muscaria and others. Conothnya spiritual practice in the Amazon forest still drink called Ayahuasca which has been the subject of research over the last few decades, many anthropologists and the drinker has been cultivating this plant and its impact will be overwhelmed. Ayahuasca brings to mind the amazing fantastic world, populated by colorful snakes, jaguars intimidating, and beings Anthromorphic, drinks also turn the feelings of love, empathy and oneness with the universe. According to anthropologist Reichel-Dolmatoff Geraldo, drink Ayahuasca is a way to get back to the cosmic center and will be reborn. 

Many felt that given the divine eye Krishna Arjuna is the activation of the third eye with some of the ways that lead to a series of extraordinary vision. At one point described himself to see something on, all entrance into Krishna's mouth, where the souls of the soldiers killed on the battlefield directly interested in them. In the Bhagavad Gita text says:
I see You with infinite power, without beginning, middle, or end, with a lot of weapons, with the sun and the moon as Your eyes, with thy mouth like a blazing fire scorching all the universe with thy light.
I lost sense of direction and no find comfort after seeing thy mouth with scary fangs shining like fire solve cosmic. Have mercy on me! O Lord of heaven, and protector of the universe.
All the cousins, along with the king and other soldiers from the other side, together with the soldiers on our side, to quickly get into your mouth with fangs terrible fear. Some are seen caught between the teeth with crushed heads.
All these people quickly get into your mouth so crushed like a moth to rush at high speed into the blazing fire. 

Vision is seen Arjuna is a universal form of Krishna, the possibility that the words 'light into the mouth of Krishna' is a black hole. Just as a black hole intense gravitational pull, Arjuna saw all the soldiers died in battle Krishna enters the mouth that lights like moths rushing toward the fire. A black hole is outstanding, usually surrounded by super hot accretion disk that emits intense light in all frequencies. 

In the text mentioned that the warriors of the mortal world into the fiery mouth of Krishna, looks stuck between teeth with crushed heads. Just like the effects of a black hole swallowing a star, a black hole will stretch the star due to intense gravitational forces and destroy it. One part of the star will go into the depths of the unknown, while the other part will be released into matter and radiation super high. 

Of course, many who do not understand, it is not clear, how the soul or spirit of man capable of traveling throughout the galaxy with a black hole, or where the location of a wormhole which comes from the black hole. Human ancestors had left a cryptic symbols and mysterious legends, the real meaning and still remains unresolved. 


  • Star Gods of the Maya: Astronomy in Art, Folklore, and Calendars. By Susan Milbrath, University of Texas Press; First Edition edition (2000).
  • The Bhagavad Gita (Classics of Indian Spirituality). Translator by Eknath Easwaran, Nilgiri Press; 2nd edition (May 17, 2007).
  • Black Hole and star, image courtesy of NASA JPL

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