Explain the Hollow Earth Science, World Underground Agharta

Explain the Hollow Earth Science, World Underground Agharta

December 15, 2014 Since ancient times, some traditions believe the presence of underground natural story that is currently touted as the hollow Earth. Is associated with Greek mythology Hades, Nordic Svartalfheim, Hell, and the Jewish Sheol. When Isaac Newton proposed the law of gravity, Edmund Halley (astronomers UK) stated that the Earth is composed of concentric spheres called Halley's Comet, where the interior of the Earth may have life and lit by a luminous material. Then in 1818, a veteran of the War of 1812 named John Cleves Symmes Jr, began to introduce the idea of ​​concentric spheres in the interior of the Earth.

Perhaps, the most famous is the Jules Verne novel, entitled "Journey to the Center of the Earth" written in 1864. This story inspired a new genre of the most bizarre, carrying the hollow Earth theory in which he says the Arctic is considered positive, while the interior of the South Pole considered negative. North Pole legend also told a Norwegian sailor named Olaf Jansen, in which Jansen sloop sailed through the entrance to the interior of the Earth at the North Pole. Over the years, he lived with population Agharta.

Agharta, Legend of the Underground World Affairs

The idea of ​​a hollow Earth appeared in the myths and legends of literature and culture, refers to the Greek legend of the region known as a haven Hyperborea. Where residents Hyperborea enjoy much better health and live for 1,000 years or more without experiencing aging. China and Eskimo legends tell the door in the North towards the underground world, they believe in natural underground is a haven and a place for the origin of the ancestors. Eskimo legends also stated that the underground paradise as a place where the eternal light of the sun never sets. In Islamic literature, mentioned that Dzulkarnaen has closed the hole by building a solid wall East region. Alexander the Great and Christopher Columbus has hinted unidentified submersible objects, these texts attributed to St Bartholomew which contains extraordinary detail about issues unidentified objects. The original Greek text was in Vienna and Jerusalem, perhaps written since the 5th century, it says: "And out of a wheel of the abyss". Latin fragment derived from the 6th century, also mentions: "And sebuha wheeled out of the abyss".

Agharta, underground city built Atlantis as the refugees caused by war, and Huguenin theory states that a flying saucer plane meruapakan Atlantis brought to the World Subterranean before the disaster that sank Atlantis. Through holes in the poles, doors capable of carrying a person heading to other areas in Walhalla, gold palace Shamballah city, capital of Agharta underground world. Migration of people to the underwater world of Atlantis before the destruction of Atlantis, called the Teutonic mythology as Gotterdamerung or 'Twilight Of The Gods'.

Underworld Agharta

Some myths tell a group of survivors were taken by Noah have been displaced in the highlands of Brazil, touted as a colony of Atlantis, where they build the underground city are connected through a tunnel to prevent the devastation caused radioactive and flooding. According to Plato, Atlantis sank due to a series of disasters around 11,500 years ago. Approximately four million people lost their lives, those who are spiritual have been warned to flee to Brazil, their descendants still live in underground cities.

One of the German settlers in Santa Catarina, Brazil, has written and published a book in German parents, this book illustrates the hollow earth with the sun in the middle. Interior mentioned inhabited earth, disease-free, long-lived race and eating fruits. This underground world is connected through a tunnel on the surface of the earth, opens in Santa Catarina and around South Brazil.

Russian explorer, Ferdinand Ossendowski once wrote a book entitled "Beasts, Men and Gods', mentioning that the tunnel under the earth surrounding the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans that built the population of pre-glacial Hyperborean civilization that developed the polar region at the time was still a tropical climate. The human race has the scientific strength of a superior order, and remarkable discoveries, including a tunnel machines that are currently unresolved. Mongolia is decorated with a terrible mountains and plateaus infinite mystery that kept the old red and yellow. The rulers of Lhasa and Ourga keep this mystery, the parents in the border Amyil said an old legend that parts of Mongolia attempting to flee from Genghis Khan, they hide in the underground country. And close Nogan Lake, there is a door Soyota as a way to enter the kingdom of Agharta. Once through this door, the monk cut off his tongue to stop talking about the mysteries of the underworld, his days of their return to the entrance of the cave and disappear into the underworld. More than six thousand years ago, a holy man disappeared into the earth along with the tribal people and never returned to the surface. Underwater world also visited others like Cakya-Muni, Undur-Ghengen Paspa, Baber and others, no one knows where they find the entrance, some sources say in Afghanistan, or India. Many rulers Ourga and Lhasa send an ambassador to the King of the Underworld, but they could not reach him. But a head of Tibet, after a battle with Olets, came to a cave and wrote an inscription which reads "This door leading to the Agharta '. Chum Chang Prince Pounzig Ungern sent as ambassador to the King of the Underworld, he returned with a letter addressed to the Dalai Lama Lhasa. Then Chang Chum want to send a letter for a second time, but the ambassador was never returned.

Hollow Earth Theory

In 1869, a doctor Cyrus Teed reveal
a hollow Earth hypothesis, that humans live on the surface of the Earth, and the universe rotates in the hollow interior of the Earth called Koreshanity. Then Teed founded a pseudo religious cult called Koreshan based on the concept of cosmological unity unusual. In 1913, Marshall B Gardner never published a book titled "A Journey to the Earth's Interior" claiming that the inside of the hollow earth and have the sun, according to the inside of the Earth can be passed from north and south poles.

Hollow earth theory is also associated with Hitler and Nazi Germany, the Nazis believed occult practices, including astrology, Nostradamus, and the hollow earth theory or Hohlweltlehre. According to the story, the Nazis had sent an expedition under the leadership of a group of experts infrared rays, Heinz Fischer. They headed to the island of Rugen in the Baltic in April 1942, where one of the goals tersbut mission to ensure the existence of a hollow Earth and spy on the British fleet. S astronomer Gerald Kuiper reported:
"Admiral and the German Air Force thought capable of looking for the presence of the British fleet as the hollow earth would facilitate remote observation using infrared light."
Admiral Richard E Byrd of the United States Navy flew to the North Pole in 1926 and to the South Pole in 1929. In the diary written Byrd tells that he enters the interior of the earth and traveling over the mountains with a view of the green. After crossing underground lakes and rivers, he found that resembles a prehistoric animal life, discover the city and prosperous civilization in the hollow Earth.

In early 1939, Nazi submarine expedition managed to explore uncharted territory in Antarctica. New Swabia (Neuschwabenland), a cartographic name Antarctic region, suspected Nazi colony ever established in this region. Rothschild islands along the 39 kilometers covered in ice is also thought to be in the Antarctic. Meanwhile, according to Rodney Cluff admitted that he memmpunyai copy of the letter allegedly sent from Karl Unger U-boat 209 led Heinrich Brodda, mentioned that they have reached the subconscious.
A year after World War II, in 1947, Admiral Richard E Byrd reportedly led the 4000 US military forces, the United Kingdom and Australia to invade Nazi in the Antarctic region. On March 5, 1947 the newspaper El Mercurio, Santiago - Chile, published an article which quoted Byrd in an interview with Lee van Atta 'On Board the Mount Olympus on the High Seas': ".... Admiral Byrd states that today are considered important for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against the territory of hostilities. In addition, Byrd stated that he did not want to overly scare people, but the bitter truth is that in the case of new war the continental United States will be attacked by flying objects that could fly from pole to pole with incredible speed. "

Hollow Earth, according Porosity is Earth Science

In June 2011, Peter Lindberg and Dennis Asberg Ocean X team, find anomalies Baltic Sea with a circular rock formation 60 meters towing. This formation rests on the pillars and includes a structure that looks similar to a staircase, leading to a dark hole. According to scientists, this anomaly is most likely a natural geological formation. But the Baltic Sea anomaly disrupt and disable all electronic equipment. Then speculation began to appear stating that this structure as an anti-submarine devices Nazis during World War II, and some call it a flying saucer.

According to modern geology, they associate legend hollow earth with porosity or axis of the Earth. Earth's interior hollow such as a spoon, underground caves and porosity evolution determines various cavity sizes. Absolute porosity is the total of all the empty space in the interior of the earth, the void space is expressed as a percentage. Exploitation of natural resources such as water and oil depending on the properties of porosity, diaman semuai a void volume ratio of the total volume of material. Porosity is the storage capacity of geological materials, indirectly hollow Earth, as determined through the cracks and fractures that are part of the function of the geological pressure.

As discussed in previous articles, the water reservoir three times the volume of the world's oceans under the surface of the earth. While in the Jules Verne book ever written about the vast ocean deep in the belly of the Earth. Steve Jacobsen of Northwestern University said, that the water may serve as a buffer hidden surface of Earth's oceans, this explains why the same numbers for millions of years. He also wanted to know whether ocean beneath the surface of the whole earth as a buffer, and the cavity Earth acts like a pump to maintain water flow and enable the surface geological processes such as earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.

In the study of Einstein's theory of general relativity, gravity is the curvature of space-time. Consequently, if an object experiencing a reversal of gravity to pass through hollow center of the earth, may also experience a reversal of space-time, through time into the past on relativity space zone. Twin Paradox in experimental physics, the human mind of man is capable of running up to the space, and also find a world of identical twins who are under the Earth.

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