Increase adsense GOOGLE

how to increase adsense cpc

Here are simple tips on how to increase revenue from Google AdSense is to understand all of the Google Adsense to get clicks from visitors to our blog.

#tips First: Getting and choose public service ads
First of all make sure that you get the Click Through Rate (CTR) high and earnings per click by displaying public service ads that typically pays you for advertising your blog.
There is really no way to block ads, but you can set it to display third-party ads in Google Adsense settings by using keywords that are more popular / Hot Topics.

The second #tips: Avoid using ad tittle widgets
It is not recommended to add a title such as 'Sponsored Links' and 'ad' in the place where you put AdSense ad code. it's like you want to tell the visitors about these adsense ads, Google Ad actually have to show tittlenya themselves at each end of the ad.

The third #tips: Advertise over content
More advisable to put adsense ads on the blog right below the title of the blog post and just above the content that you post.
This is because users will surely start reading from the title of your blog and then start with the content, so there is a possibility he will click on your adsense ads are.

#tips Fourth: Using a URL channel
URL channels are used to track the performance of the entire blog or domains and sub-domains that you have. Adsense allows you to create up to 500 channels / channel URL per account Adsense.
By creating URL channels you will be able to know which domain you are generating the most appropriate for your income and how the daily performance with statistical details such as page impressions, eCPM, CTR, and revenue.

#tips Fifth: Experiment with custom content channels
Google Adsense allows you to create custom channels for each block of ad content that you have .Percobaan with custom channels in Adsense and placement is the key to increase the number of clicks more.

#tips Sixth: Ad Besides beside Blog Title
If your theme allows you to place the ad size 468 x 60 blocks of ad code on the right exactly where the title of the blog appears, try to place your AdSense ad code there.
Some themes automatically has a provision setting an existing ad, you only need to insert ad code there

#tips Seventh: Limit Ad placement
Google Adsense allows you to place up to three ad blocks on one of your web pages, 2 linkbars and 1 bar search.
You can see a lot of bloggers who only have only one or two blocks ads that usually corresponds to the theme of their blogs.

#tips Eighth: Set the color palette ads according to the theme of the blog
use the color palette setting to menyesesuaikan with your blog content so as to make visitors feel that the ad is the content and the user will click on the ad.
In Google Adsense configuration tab you will find the 'Color Palette'. Below you'll find a selection of the color settings of your blog title, background color, text color, the color of the URL, and color settings border.silahkan according to the theme and background colors blog.

#tips Ninth: Block ad "competitor"
Use the Ads Filter to block specific ads as competitors' ads that appear on your web pages. If you find that some of the ads that do not provide income or you want to block a competitor's site then you can add it to a competitive filter that will limit these ads on your blog.

#tips Tenth: Always test
Last but not least, the best thing you can do is keep on experimenting on various aspects of Google Adsense, ad placement, ad type and much more. So I suggest that you stick to test each other from time to time.

Tips on How to Increase Google Adsense CPC:

1. First you need to login first.
2. Go to the Performance reports> Select network
3. There are ad networks - Ad Request - Coverage - Clicks - Ad request CTR - CPC - Ad Request RPM - and Estimated Earnings.
4. The first thing to see is the Estimated Earnings. Look for the network that no amount Click alias 0 but no sample Earningsnya Estimated $ 0.09 (normally in Indonesia range is $ 2.16 Pageviews 10000
5. If there are multiple networks on the results of earlier no.4 step, look at the Ad request is slightly larger but its Estimated Earnings.


Vizury: AdRequest = 908, Ad Request RPM = $ 0.97, Click = 0, Estimated Earnings = $ 0.07
TubeMogul: AdRequest = 1200, Ad Request RPM = $ 0.47, Click = 0, Estimated Earnings = $ 0.07

In the systematic conditions above, you see the same amount of Earnings. But there adrequest, rpm, ctr different ad request. From the example above, the Network TubeMogul should we blocked. This is done in order to break down the value of its Google Adwords CPC be great. SEO Content is also an important factor for your optimization.

Because as we all know, every request was based on the keywords, ad networks, and advrtiser. Therefore, we must make the request as if the great but earnings were slightly better kept away beforehand. You also have to impose his Sociomantics CPC made small and Google Invite Media Asia at large created. Because the majority of ad networks appearing in our blog are from Asia.

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