Meant by domain and hosting

Internet is not something foreign, and has become part of the century kebutuhan.Semua is as hungry for information technology, and the internet is the easiest answer to meet these needs. This is different from a few years ago where the internet has just been introduced, the cost of facilities and access is costly and terbatas.Saat it only certain people who can use the facility internet.Dikarenakan facilities supporting devices such as computers are still expensive, and even then not as easy now penggunaannya.Untuk can subscribe to internet access, at least should always provide at least fund 3 million per month. Now all that's not a problem anymore, yet both old, young, children, intellectuals, students and even a layman like saya.Dimana price of computers getting cheaper, but it teknologinyapun increasingly sophisticated, making them easier digunakan.Ditambah again with the low cost internet subscription connection. That is the reason why the access of increasingly rapid computer course number. The Internet is the information, the internet access is seekers information.And This has been read by the brilliant brain brains, they race to build a business that deals with information on the internet. bermunculanlah like mushrooms in the rainy season about what is called the "Businessman Online", yes they sell services and information. Do not look with one eye with this internet business, because many large companies that were born of this business. Is it only for the purposes of are the business information on the Internet? ... Not so, this time the internet is also used as a medium to promote or business presentation order of business or product quickly recognizer
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image domain hosting

Has a website

Past, making the site not something cheap and mudah.Paling not to be able to build a website alone should have set IT.Mahal education because it must have its own webserver and must provide the cost of buying the server sendiri.Disamping its operating costs and maintenance are also expensive surely must always dianggarkan.Hanya big companies that can afford to have a website. But not now, not only has the site is dominated by large companies this saja.Saat personal blog (micro blog) scattered where mana.Bahkan individuals who manage a personal blog, there are already capable of producing fresh money exceeds the salary of a manager-level employees. With only spend only a few hundred thousand per year to manage the blog, and it has paid off in less than day .spektaculer again, these activities are carried on a part-time, just to fill his spare time only.

Start a blog

Are you interested in the manager's microblog that has been successful as above? ....
Do not just interested, you are able to follow jejaklangkah them.If you have a special ability, and you also feel capable of writing to share the experience through internet.Anda can create a blog itself to monetize so as to produce an additional entry for cash onto itself, you have cooking skills? ,,,,, design and construction of buildings? ,,,, fotografi.Semua fashion or it can be a material as your writing on a personal blog anda.Siap prepared to make money from the internet.

Hosting and Domains

If you are interested in creating a blog and are ready for monetization and making money, now is the time.
The first thing you need to know is the domain and hosting.  both terms are closely related to a blog / website that you create. Domain: is a series of a word to replace an IP address of the webserver websites belonging you.If only use IP addresses to megakses a website, of course it will be difficult to remember people because it consists of a series of numbers, eg 112 075 001 233. To enable people to remember the address of your site it is necessary to substitute that domain.Domain name itself is currently available in the extension .org, .net, .com, .biz, .co,, .gof, .mil etc . for can get a domain name for your site then you must register the name of the organizing committee domain.Anda name can register the name of your own choice as well as the domain extension that you like.example, etc. In conclusion: The domain name is address used to access a site through a browser internet.
Hosting: consists of a server is placed didatacenter so that it can connect to the Internet network throughout the dunia.Server called webserver, together with anda.Webserver owned home computers also have a data storage (hard drive) and a webserver operasi.Didalam system that we installed a file that contains the site we could be accessed from the browser via the internet domain name. Hosting already equipped with facilities that make it easier to lay and install applications web as well as perform the necessary configuration. To be able to get hosting we can rent to pegelola webserver (hosting services) complete the package with domain.Mereka perform services as well configure it with a domain name that we like .or through hosting services, we only need to register the name, address, pay the required fee. Once the process we fulfill according to the organizers hosting indicated, then we will gain access to our web server to do the work of the webmaster (managing sites) Easy is not it? ....

There are several types and facilities provided by the hosting Web server:

For starters, we know that the most common first Shared and VPS hosting .

Shared hosting
A shared webserver little small for many sites, imagery in a single apartment complex is divided into a lot of space for many families.
Kelemahanya, if there is one site that overload then all sites located within one of these servers will be disrupted.
The surplus, the rent is cheap and way easier to use shared hosting. VPS (Virtual Private Server) A server that is only to be occupied by your personal website saja.Perumpamaanya, a real home enough for a bunk Ruma but you live alone. The disadvantage, the rent is more expensive than shared hosting.Untuk configuration, you also need to know the network. The surplus, your site is relatively more stable because it will not be disturbed by the neighboring site as on shared hosting ,

Cost to rent hosting and domain

Especially for the cheapest domain is usually between  of domain extensions you choose.
And the cost of hosting Ishared hosting) can be paid monthly or yearly totalized pay.
The cost of shared hosting there which started From the start only $ 1000 dollars per month to hundreds of thousands perbulan.Tergantung webserver specifications and features are in order, such

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