1. Determine the blog platform
Make sure what platform you want to use for your blog, because when it's used, it will be difficult to switch to another. Usually it depends on the purpose of the blog that will be created itself, whether for pleasure purposes only, monetization, etc. Using a third-party service, or use its own hosting. If you choose a hosting his own, of course, you already know what it is domain and hosting , webhosting rules, how to maintenance, customization, common to all the problems hosting your own blog.
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2. Prepare the appropriate theme, so it will not have to change-change theme again.
It is specifically for hosting WordPress itself, often change-change theme could cause its own problems. For example, most of the WP theme comes with a script autogenerated thumbnails, and parameters can vary. This can cause a number of thumbnail-sized images of unused - ration alkibatnya storage / disc will swell in vain. Cleaning assortment thumbnail sized images of unused quite risky, and not easily done if the previous've added a lot of pictures. For other matters, change the theme that does not fit can cause a decrease in visitor / impact on SEO.
3. Determine the right niche
Niche is a special topic discussed in all the blog articles, and from the beginning had to be determined. Why do otherwise? ... If you choose a niche that is not in accordance with your preferences, then most likely your blog will not be neglected anymore because you will probably get bored - or at least a niche will deviate from the original purpose. If it determines a niche technology, so you have to love technology.
4. Adjust and start specify the appropriate category
Categories should be interesting and appropriate to the niche of your blog, so that later do not bother posting when creating grouping. Make category before creating a post, so that your blog has a good navigation and appropriate. It will also affect how much people want to navigate your blog articles to another.
5. Register feed
Although the default blog is equipped with an RSS feed, but it is better to use a third party service that FeedBurner before start posting. This is important if someday you need to add a subscription feature article (subscriber) and improve SEO.
5. Dafarkan webmaster tools
Since early blog registered to better webmaster tools, SEO optimization so you went smoothly and there are many obstacles. Webmaster tool is a tool that is specifically made for blog optimization in order to have a good performance in the google search engine.
6. Create a static page (terms of service, contact, privacy policy)
Before posting anything, you should first make these pages. This will show as great a commitment you in building a blog; Tantu be made before posting any article.
7. Do not add an image from a URL hosting the blog owned by outsiders / hotlinking
For business image, you should upload their own. This is why? ... But can be detrimental to the interests of others, an image taken from another blog url would risk drawing NOTFOUND. Too many images NOTFOUND certainly very problematic to the user experience, and ultimately degrade the quality of SEO. Finding and replacing an image that is not found to be very inconvenient if later on the blog already very much has the article.
8. Add external links only as needed
Do not add too many outgoing links (external link), because if you later have a lot of articles and links 404 NOTFOUND many will bother to fix it. This will reduce the quality of SEO and user experience, so please consider carefully before adding a link out.
9. Write articles only with not much to add custom code (compose) directly into the post area.
For example: Do not add the article centered, left flat, or add custom style (div class), but if it is necessary, quite simply by adding class and selectornya only (div class, div id, span id), who then arranged with the property selectornya and the value on the external CSS. see also the introduction of CSS . Usually if imposed will cause problems later if a new templete replace if the article has a lot.
10. menambakan heading h2 into articles
Subheading is h3, h4, etc., while it was heading h2 or it could be called minor headings. Add at least one tag h2 heading into the article (that must be added the subtitle), because it is very important for SEO onpagenya. But otherwise do not add major tag h1 heading into the post, as this should be regulated through a template (template assumption SEO supports dynamic h1). It is expected a day you do not need to edit posts one by one again to add or remove, because it would be very inconvenient if Suda many articles.
11. Add the related links to other articles in the blog (internal link) on the spot
It is necessary to increase the number of page views and promote the other articles in the blog, which is great for SEO support. If you add to this when the article very much, of course, will be quite tiring. The assumption was that if you had been there the articles related to the current article you create.
12. Do not overload optimization / do nyepam everywhere
Arise OBL (out bound links) or backlink reasonable, because if too nyepam can degrade the performance of SEO blogs that could have an impact on the decline of visitors. Keep in mind that if the blog indicated spam of backlinks, it will be difficult to memulihkannnya again. Of course very inconvenient if need disavov link number has reached hundreds or even thousands. It is good to let the backlink is obtained naturally, alias only written by someone else if you want to blog for a long term. Maybe that's all I need to say here about how to build a blog that aik from the start, for lack of other references please find you believe.
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